Wild horse liberation

wild horse liberation

Are you ready to let go of what you think you know…

and experience more of who you are?

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Authentic connection is realised. Without realisation there’s suffering from disconnection. We keep searching…until we realise its already here.


What is wild horse liberation?

Wild Horse Liberation is a coming home. It is a path to inner wisdom and freedom from the suffering of disconnection and limiting beliefs.

What can Wild Horse Liberation do for you and your horse?

Wild Horse Liberation will show you how to access your flow state, your conscious awareness from which spontaneous communication is a natural expression. It’s from this place that we begin to understand the true nature of our being and how we are the witness to our thoughts and emotions, no longer driven by that which we think we are. However, this is not a spiritual state, it’s not an awakening or something that can only be attained through lifetimes of practice. It is our natural state. It’s who we are and what we are and it’s always available to us.

By establishing a grounded understanding of concentration and heart practices we prepare the mind and body with basic tools to realise WHO WE ARE NOT. From here, we can disengage from the thinking mind and drop into a spacious awareness and begin to discover WHO WE ARE. It’s from this place, we can meet the senses, thoughts and emotions without ego attachment, entering a natural flow state of awareness, connection and spontaneous communication.

book onto a course, clinic or learn privately

Join myself and other like-minded individuals on a journey to discover your wholeness and authentic connection.

Online courses
grayscale photo of woman in jacket sitting on grass field
coming soon!
clinics and retreats
a group of people sitting on top of a lush green field
coming soon!
private tuition
coming soon!

Authentic connection is realised. Without realisation there’s suffering from disconnection. We keep searching…until we realise its already here.”